#The Devil's Playground
Idle hands are all over this (link-reveal: "place.")[ It is a place of forlorne (cycling-link: "sloth.", "wrath.", "gluttony.", "greed.", "lust.", "envy.", "pride.")
(link-reveal: "Look:")[
Everyone eats Big Macs and watches (link-reveal: "The Simpsons.")[
It is an episode from season 82 when Homer (link-replace: "becomes a god.")[is (link-reveal: "god.")[
He turns everything into a donut and fucks a giant donut that looks like Marge.
He says, "Ooo! Cream-filled!" and eats the Marge donut.]]]]]
(link-reveal: "Look:")[
A man has taken the top bun off a Big Mac and placed a second Big Mac on top of it, creating the (link-reveal: "ULTRA MAC!")[
Onlookers bow down. It is truly a (cycling-link:"beautiful", "awe-inspiring", "breathtaking", "magnificent", "resplendent") (link-reveal: "thing.")[
Nobody has a mouth big enough for the Ultra Mac.]]]
(link-reveal: "Listen:")[
You can hear the groans of people fucking scultures of (cycling-link: "Marge Simpson", "Homer Simpson") made out of (link-reveal: "Big Macs.")[
They say, "Ooo! Cream filled!" and eat their own special sauce.]]